AY 2022/2023 YEAR 4 SEMESTER 1

its that time of the year again….. 🥲 im back again to let yall know that im still alive loooool 🤩

[COMING (not so) SOON]…

p.s. I took 30 MCs (yeah legit) this semester so pls give me some days (or not, maybe weeks/months) to write this up :’D thanks for da patience

[Updated 15 November 2022]

So I realized that Round 0 Modreg is coming soon (next week) so I’ll try to rush everything up by the end of this week cuz I’ll be starting my winter internship soon :’)

[Updated 1 December 2022]

  1. FSP4003 – Field Service Project (8MC)
  2. EDX Modules (DYOM) (2MC each – totalling 8MC for 4 EDX modules)
  3. GEH1074 – Luck (4MC)
  4. ALS1010 – Learning to Learn Better (2MC)
  5. MKT4720 – Product Experience Management (4MC)
  6. MKT4723 – Customer Experience Management (4MC)