Posted in Module Reviews, Semester Reviews

MNO4717 Talent Acquisition

This is a random 4k module that i took with my friend! fun fact, this was my first time taking a mno module since mno2705 😀 ngl, i was pretty afraid bc ive mostly been studying economics and marketing, which is totally not linked to any hr concepts or theories lol. nevertheless, this was the only 4k module that caught my eye, and tbh as a last year last sem student, i thought it will also be good to know/ have some tips about some hr practices since i’ll be going for interviews/ applying for jobs throughout the sem.

but haha i ended up getting abit siked because it was mostly learning about the theories behind the different selection decisions, validity and reliability rather than tips hahaa. Nevertheless i still think its pretty useful, the prof is pretty nice, and the class is really chill so i don’t really have any regrets taking this class (other than having to wake up every week for an 830am class💀) but i shall elaborate this at the end

  1. Individual CANVAS Contributions /Class participation (20%)

I think this was the easiest component to score, as this was entirely marked based on your individual forum contributions. (*cheers from introverts*🎉) Every week, there will be a case study (which will be presented by different groups). Students who are not presenting can post up to 5 contribution posts by answering the questions in the case study. Your posts may be credited by the presenting team/used during their presentation. 1 post = 1 mark, so technically, we could all clear this within the first four weeks to get the full marks for this component!! I personally think this was really easy to score cuz we just had to read the case study and answer the questions, so i wasn’t surprised to see that pretty much almost everyone scored full marks for this component.

btw haha, if you are taking this module, pls adhere to the dateline for forum contribution strictly, there was one student who was late by like 3mins and it was considered ‘late’ 💀. ngl i felt really so bad for him/her… but welp at least can still catch up in the later weeks

2. Group Study & Presentation (20%)

as mentioned above, there will be a group that will be presenting on a particular topic for the later half of the class (in the last hour). this was randomly assigned, and we could form our own groups! the case studies were extracted from news articles/websites online, and it basically covers the hr concepts for a particular company for that particular week. i think my only complaint was that the questions every week differs?? Kinda unfair how some groups only had to do 2-3 questions, but some other groups had to cover 5-6 questions… And there were only 15 mins to present (ok tbf he didn’t really keep track of the time), but its still a mad rush cuz we had to tackle all questions, and still had to keep the presentation interesting (with skits, audience engagement etc).

Anyway, I was one of the last few groups to present, so we kinda procrastinated until like one week before the presentation to start doing the slides LOL. Luckily there wasn’t a report due, and tbh, the questions were like pretty straightforward so its easy to tackle, but i wouldn’t recommend leaving it til so last minute (tbh my groupmates were really chill, i was like the only one stressing out.💀)

3. Individual MCQ Test (30%)

This was conducted in Week 12, and we only had to come to school to take an one-hour closed book test. The topics tested included content covered from Weeks 1 – 10 and was in MCQ format.

I actually think the MCQ questions were pretty tricky? I went in and did the entire paper so confidently… but sike i still ended up getting a few questions wrong. p.s. the median was around 21/22 marks out of 30 marks!

if you are taking this module, just skip the slides and read the transcripts!! A lot of minor details in the transcripts were tested, and some of them are not even covered in the slides. i think if you have been following the lectures consistently and reading the notes consistently, you should be able to do well for this component.

4. Individual Project (Application of Concepts & Practices)

This was conducted in Week 13 (which i like to call the hell week 🔥 cuz i have literally so many assignments and presentation due that week 🥲). Nevertheless, we were given one week to complete the case study, which is of similar format to our group study cases.

I think this was a good reflection of whatever we have learnt in the past semester, cuz we were expected to list any 6 relevant concepts and link it into the case study. But aiya, i think this component is also quite easy to score as long as you have been actively contributing in the class forum and you know your content! (but ok la tbh even if you don’t know, you can always refer to the transcripts since its open book)


fun fact, this was the only 4k module i took this semester (the rest were 1k modules), but this was like the chillest (legit) module out of all. I feel like i was stressing out more for my 1k module than for this mno mod??

Tbh, the only thing i don’t like about this class was that its in the morning (but thats a me problem🤡), and i honestly felt really sleepy in his class (again… it’s my problem, i blame my revenge bedtime procrastination, i always attend this class with only 3 hours of sleep AHAAHAHA 🥲). I think it helps that there wasn’t class participation in class, so i was able to feel more relaxed and less stressed. Also, because theres no actual class attendance (well, we did have to sign the attendance sheet but it does not constitute any of our marks), its funny to see how the number of ppl in class decreases every week (but those fakers ask their friends to sign their attendance i see u 😤). I would say that as a marketing student, this class wasn’t as intimidating as i initially thought, tbh its feel very beginner-friendly and the prof is really friendly and nice! However, i have to caution that the content can be a little bit boring and dry, tbh im not really sure if it ended up helping my job search (i don’t think it did actually HAHAHA) but i would totally recommend this module if you are looking for something more chill!


18 April 2023


Hi, I am currently a Year 4 student taking a double major in Business Administration (Marketing) and Economics at the National University of Singapore. When I first entered university, I remembered feeling lost and confused about how things work at NUS, and thus created VOEZNUSBIZ, a blog where I can help juniors and prospective students alike on their journey at NUS.

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