Posted in Module Reviews

MKT1705B Principles of Marketing

MKT1705 is a BIZ Core Module that is compulsory for BBA students. This is likely to be pre-allocated for you in Year 1 (Sem 1/Sem 2), dependent on your basket. In my case, I was pre-allocated MKT1705 in Semester 2.

Before I proceed, I have extracted the module description of MKT1003B from NUSmods below:

This module is designed to provide knowledge, techniques and understanding of marketing principles. It provides students with a conceptual framework to analyse and interpret marketing phenomena and to suggest courses of action in response to marketing problems. It covers topics such as the marketing concept, the marketing environment and the marketing mix which includes product, pricing, distribution and promotion. Other related topics include consumer behaviour, market segmentation and targeting, marketing research and information system, marketing planning, implementation and control, and public issues in marketing. This is a foundation module for business students and provides the basis for later concentration in the marketing area.

Since I had such a fun time in MKT1705, I wanted to use this platform to share my thoughts and also publish some of my unofficial notes to give you a rough gauge of what you will learn in this module.

Why is this module fun?

  • Class participation questions are relatable and interesting!
  • Many opportunities for class participation. In my sectional class, everyone is given the opportunity to speak up.
  • Very easy to tie marketing concepts to real life examples!! Since class participation marks were not so easily awarded, you often have to use real-life examples to support your argument. (This is where your knowledge of brands can give you the upper hand!)
  • Even your project topic is based on brands (Owndays, Amazon, and even TikTok!)
  • Class discussion on advertisements by brands such as M&M, Barbie Dolls are interesting~

If you are curious about the Class participation questions, I have listed some examples below: (However, do note that these are guiding questions that may differ between semesters.)

  • Asians, including Singaporeans, have been fascinated with K-pop and K-dramas for a long time. Yet, it’s only recently that BTS made it big in the US. What makes BTS different from other K-pop groups? Please use consumer behaviour concepts to answer the question.
  • Discuss the success of the Avengers series of movies. What is appealing about the individual superheroes and the league of superheroes in the way they market the movies?
  • Who do you think are the target audience for the Avengers? Are there specific groups for selected superheroes? How are these different superheroes being positioned?
  • Give some examples of trends in (1) retailing (eg. big-event online marketing like Singles Day); (2) consumer behaviour (eg. Marie Kondo’s minimalist lifestyle); (3) service (eg. Automation). How would such trends affect marketing?


How to answer class participation questions? + Examples:

**Disclaimer that there is no correct way of answering class participation questions and that I am only showing an example of my method **

Example: Asians, including Singaporeans, have been fascinated with K-pop and K-dramas for a long time. Yet, it’s only recently that BTS made it big in the US. What makes BTS different from other K-pop groups? Please use consumer behaviour concepts to answer the question.

How you can try to answer:

(On a side note, #1 and #2 may only best hit Level 1/Level 2 marks for class participation. You may need more unique examples and depth to hit Level 3.)


We learnt last week how personality and self-concept can affect consumer behaviour. What makes BTS different from other kpop groups is that they were able to release their own sets of merchandise by collaborating with LINE, called BT21 which consists of 8 different characters with different characteristics, all drawn by the members themselves.

What makes BT21 unique is that each character has their own charms and quirks and their own set of personality. For example, one of the BT21 character, Chimmy is said to be very passionate and tries hard at everything.

 As every BT21 character has their own distinguishing characteristics and traits which closely relates to the individual members themselves, fans were able to match their own personalities to these different BT21 characters as well, allowing BT21 to gain popularity because the fans can strongly associate/ relate themselves to BT21 characters and their personalities.


We learnt last week that psychological factors can affect consumer behaviours. One reason why many people support BTS is because they share similar beliefs and people were able to resonate with them.

For example, recently BTS launched a global initiative urging youth to find their voices and became the first Kpop group to address the United Nations, where they told people to believe in their own voices, encouraging people to speak up for themselves regardless of who they are, their skin color and their gender identity. 

BTS’s message about the concept of self-love and self-advocacy was able to resonate with many people, and inspire many to follow suit and tell their own stories, which is one of the reasons why they have so many supporters.


I believe that there is no fixed way of answering class participation questions. I usually like to follow the PEEL structure and make sure to supplement my points with solid examples and explanations. Honestly, what the professors are looking for is how well you can link your point to marketing concepts and if you have examples that can best support your stand. (If you are good at fluffing, you are good to go) Also, the prof do not like to hear repeat answers. If you are usually the last few to be called (like me), you better prepare more than one version of answers to the guiding questions!

Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂




Hi, I am currently a Year 4 student taking a double major in Business Administration (Marketing) and Economics at the National University of Singapore. When I first entered university, I remembered feeling lost and confused about how things work at NUS, and thus created VOEZNUSBIZ, a blog where I can help juniors and prospective students alike on their journey at NUS.

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